Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) happens quickly and it is not a heart attack. It is a problem with the heart's electrical system. Something causes the heart to beat dangerously fast, or to beat with a rhythm that is irregular. When either of these things happen, the heart is not able to pump effectively and it may suddenly stop beating.
Physicians and medical professionals at Corewell Health's Fred and Lena Meijer Heart Center are committed to increasing awareness and prevention of SCA. With as many as 335,000 cases in the U.S. each year, SCA is responsible for more deaths than AIDS, breast cancer and lung cancer combined.
If you are in one of the risk groups, it's critical that you talk with your doctor about preventing SCA. Depending on your medical history, your doctor may recommend a lifesaving implantable device.
Sudden cardiac arrest is fatal if not treated within minutes. Any time a person collapses, cardiac arrest is a possibility. Immediately call 911 and check for a pulse. If there is none and you are at a public location, look for a sign that displays "AED" and a heart symbol. This is a portable defibrillator that may save the person's life. Anyone can operate these life-saving devices. Defibrillators shock the heart back into rhythm. Many public places now have prominently displayed portable defibrillators.
For the fortunate few who survive a sudden cardiac arrest, the Spectrum Health heart specialists are experts in implantable defibrillators and other heart-saving technology. Learn more here.
Contact our heart experts for more information or to schedule an appointment.