Palliative care

Dealing with the symptoms of a painful or serious illness is difficult. Palliative care offers relief from troubling conditions, helping you live more comfortably and enjoy improved quality of life at any stage during the disease process. Our services can be consulted at any point during a serious illness and can continue as long as needed until symptoms are managed and goals of care are established.

We can help you manage many conditions―pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, constipation, nausea, loss of appetite, sleep problems, side effects from treatments and other symptoms. Our care team works alongside your primary health care provider and actively supports you and your family, by helping make critical care decisions and plan for the future. We want to ensure your goals are identified and achieved. Our services include:

  • Expert treatment of pain and other symptoms so you get the best relief possible
  • Open discussion about treatment choices and establishing goals of care, including treatment for your disease and management of your symptoms
  • Coordination of your care with all of your health care providers
  • Emotional support for you and your family
  • Advance care planning
  • Bridges to hospice conversation, when appropriate
What is palliative care?
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How do I know when to consider palliative care?
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How is palliative care different from hospice?
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How does palliative care help improve quality of life?
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