
In-person Icon

Classes are held at a physical location with a classroom experience.

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Classes are held online via Microsoft Teams.

Understanding breastfeeding
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In-person and Virtual icons

Locations offered:  Big Rapids, Grand Rapids, Greenville, Pennock, Zeeland and Virtual

Learn the breastfeeding basics from a certified lactation specialist. This class will cover the benefits of breastfeeding, positioning/latch, hunger signs, how to tell if your baby is getting enough to eat and more. You’ll also get tips on pumping and breast milk storage.

This class is $75.00 and is billed to insurance and is covered, either partially or fully, by many plans. Please verify with your insurance on coverage amount. The diagnosis code we use is Z39.1 and the procedure code used is S9443.

Breastfeeding support groups
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In-person Icon

Breastfeeding support group is free, no registration is required, and you can come and go as you please. Facilitated by 1-2 trained lactation team members, we welcome you at any stage of your baby’s feeding journey to troubleshoot breastfeeding and latch concerns, check your baby’s weight before and after feeding, make sure your pump is working as efficiently as possible, or simply to be in community with other moms and babies. We are here to equip and empower you with the education and support to reach your unique goals.

Monday - 10:30 am to Noon

Corewell Health Healthier Communities
665 Seward Avenue NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Tuesday - 12:30 pm to 2 pm

Corewell Health Care Center - Cutlerville
80 68th Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49548

Wednesday - 10am to 11am

Corewell Health Zeeland Hospital
8333 Felch Street
Zeeland, MI 49464

Thursday - 12:30 pm to 2 pm

Corewell Health Healthier Communities
665 Seward Avenue NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Saturday - 10:30 am to 12 pm

Corewell Health Healthier Communities
665 Seward Avenue NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

Coffee connection for dads, partners, & more

Anyone is invited who is providing care and support to those attending our Saturday morning Breastfeeding Support Group to stay and enjoy coffee/tea, a snack, community, postpartum educational support resources and/ or a quiet moment with us. The postpartum transition affects all of those involved in providing care and it is our desire to support everyone involved.

Pumping breastmilk for your hospitalized baby
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Whether a hospital stay is anticipated or was unexpected for your baby, it typically brings additional challenges for new parents. However, giving your newborn the gift of human milk, during the hospital stay and beyond, offers many short term and long term benefits to your baby. This FREE class will cover the benefits of skin to skin and everything related to a successful pumping lifestyle.

Community Resources
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HELP Pregnancy Aid:

Breastfeeding support weekly on Thursdays from 12:30-1:30

705 Bridge St. SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Call: 616-459-9139 with any questions.

Both English and Spanish

H.U.G.S. Breastfeeding Cafe:

Thoughtfully tailored for pregnant, breastfeeding/human milk feeding people who identify as black.

Limited transportation and limited childcare provided.

Support and guidance for Expecting and Human Milk-feeding People on every 2nd & 4th Monday of the month from 12:30-2pm at City Life Church, 574 S. Division, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Find a Doula

Utilize the Michigan Doula Registry to find a doula in your local area for your pregnancy, delivery, postpartum recovery and/or breastfeeding journey.

Contact Us

Have questions about our classes or need help registering?